
“It took great audacity to adapt this work as a contemporary cabaret-opera. The challenge was taken up brilliantly! […] An excellent way to introduce contemporary music and opera to the most reluctant geeks of the world!”
Les Langues salles

“[Bungalopolis] really veers off the beaten path, that of opera, of music, of theatre, from which it does, however, retain certain conventions that launch us into the zany universe of comic strips. […] Nothing is to be taken seriously; we must catch the references (subtle or not) and let ourselves be carried away by this joyful mélange of absurdity, of ridicule, of hilarity.”
Spécial du jour

“Mixing comic strips and contemporary music? What an excellent idea! We warmly recommend this unique incursion into the zany universe of comic strip author Jean-Paul Eid. The creators of Bungalopolis have managed to capture, quite humorously, the cartoonist’s spirit of absurdity.”
– Journal Métro Montréal

“Bungalopolis truly veers off the beaten path. […] Daring, risk-taking, audacious, zany, new, almost experimental could all describe the show. […] The staging and the music managed a near-perfect arranged marriage.”
– Le Quotidien, Roger Blackburn

Bungalopolis. In the burlesque atmosphere of a cabaret, the legendary suburb Bungalopolis comes to life. The adventures of suburbanite Jérôme Bigras – the star of the Croc magazine and the comic book Des tondeuses et des hommes (Of Lawnmower and Men), created by Jean-Paul Eid – his brought to the stage by the unbridled imagination of the composers Éric Champagne, Frédéric Chiasson, Benoît Côté, Maxime Goulet et Pierre-Olivier Roy. An original concept of Maxime Goulet.

Voices: Soprano, tenor, bariton, bass
– Version for 4 voices, wind quintet, and piano
– Version for 4 voices and piano

Duration: 1 hour 20 minutes

Commissioned by Codes d’accès

Premiere: May 20th, 2010, by Codes d’accès, Le Vivier, Marc-Antoine D’Aragon, Philippe Bolduc, Anik St-Louis, Gaetan Sauvageau and the conductor Cristian Gort.

Media Coverage of Bungalopolis

Interview with Maxime Goulet and stage director Mylène Lapierre about the cabaret-opera Bungalopolis.

Trailer of the cabaret-opera Bungalopolis

Performances of Bungalopolis

2011, Feb. 27 | Dominique Côté, Philippe Martel, Ariane Girard, Sylvain Paré and Cristian Gort | Société d’art lyrique du Royaume and le Théâtre des Faux plis, Théâtre Palace, Saguenay
2011, Feb. 26 | Dominique Côté, Philippe Martel, Ariane Girard, Sylvain Paré and Cristian Gort | Société d’art lyrique du Royaume and le Théâtre des Faux plis, Théâtre Palace, Saguenay
2011, Feb. 24 | Dominique Côté, Philippe Martel, Ariane Girard, Sylvain Paré and Cristian Gort | Société d’art lyrique du Royaume and le Théâtre des Faux plis, Théâtre Palace, Saguenay
2011, Feb. 23 | Dominique Côté, Philippe Martel, Ariane Girard, Sylvain Paré and Cristian Gort | Société d’art lyrique du Royaume and le Théâtre des Faux plis, Théâtre Palace, Saguenay
2011, Feb. 18 | Dominique Côté, Philippe Martel, Ariane Girard, Sylvain Paré and Cristian Gort | Société d’art lyrique du Royaume, Théâtre des Faux plis and Montreal New Music, Lion d’or, Montreal
2011, Feb. 17 | Dominique Côté, Philippe Martel, Ariane Girard, Sylvain Paré and Cristian Gort | Société d’art lyrique du Royaume, Théâtre des Faux plis and Montreal New Music, Lion d’or, Montreal

2010, May 20 | Codes d’accès et Le Vivier, Marc-Antoine D’Aragon, Philippe Bolduc, Anik St-Louis, Gaetan Sauvageau and Cristian Gort | Lion d’or, Montreal (premiere)
